We want safer roads, better loads and less red tape.
The Livestock, Bulk and Rural Carriers Association (LBRCA) is a community of transport operators delivering Australia’s essential agricultural products throughout country NSW. Our members are vital in getting Australian produce to our cities and beyond.
Together we are working to achieve a more productive, efficient and safer industry for the future.
We are at the forefront in seeking important industry reforms and drive a strong policy agenda focused on achieving positive changes to sustain and improve our industry.
The LBRCA is the voice for livestock and bulk carriers in rural and regional NSW. We offer a complete membership support service including a full time Secretariat, exclusive member benefits and networking opportunities at regional meetings and annual conferences.
We are a small Association. We’ve always looked to punch above our weight. I hope you don’t mind me saying this but a large part of our success is that we don’t have the ‘airs and graces’ of some others – we just have a tough disposition to look after our members and we don’t apologise for doing that.